
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why choose cloth diapers? The money savings!

So I've had several reactions lately to me stating "We're going to use cloth diapers". I used cloth part-time with my son, so it isn't my first time using them and I didn't think it was all that radical of a statement. But, the reactions I usually get are "Ew, Why?!" "Oh yeah, my parents cloth diapered me" "That sounds like so much extra work!" and my favorite, "Cloth diapering is more expensive!" So, I wanted to take a moment to explain why we personally chose cloth diapers and go over a few of the myths that go along with us choosing this "lifestyle" :) First thing is first, we need to establish how many diapers a kid will go through so that we can talk numbers. For the sake of this post, I'm going to assume that our child will potty train around 3 years old, and will use about 4,500 diapers for their diapering journey. Some children potty train sooner, but I know that with my son we were still using